Pulp & Paper


Resolute Forest Products raw materials—trees—come from the land, which makes the land our most important natural resource. We consider our use of the land in Northern Ontario a privilege entrusted to us for safe keeping by the people of Ontario

Our company works hard to exceed this public trust. Before we begin to harvest a single tree, we begin with a comprehensive plan that must be approved by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. This plan involves extensive public consultation and ultimately leads to the successful reforestation of harvested areas.

Environment Land - Environment LandThere is an ever-growing public concern for the environment. To address this, our practices have become evermore efficient. This means that we leave as little to waste as humanly possible.

For example, today, every part of the tree is used to the fullest. Cones are collected for reseeding. Bark is used to fuel our boilers, which help to generate our electricity. Wood is used to make dimensional lumber. And the remainder of the tree is chipped and used to make our paper and kraft pulp.

We also make sure that the solid waste created by our manufacturing process is treated and returned to the land safely. Clay, organic materials and other solids are removed during our treatment process, cleaned, and either reused or returned to the environment as safe—and valuable—landfill.

Resolute Forest Products is keenly aware that each of our Northern Ontario operations impacts the land in uniquely different ways.


Process waste from making paper A reality of pulp and paper production is the creation of waste products.

Types of Solid Waste Definitions of solid waste

Biomass Fact Sheet Sludge, often referred to as biomass, is solid material—such as wood fibre, dirt, clay and microorganisms from secondary effluent treatment—which can be separated from effluent.

#6 Power Boiler The #6 Power Boiler is located at the north end of the Kraft Mill.

# 3 Power Boiler The #3 Power Boiler is located in the Steam Plant on the banks of the Kaministiquia River.

Operations Support Sustainability The area pictured below shows an area that was harvested in the fall of 2003 and depicts a typical harvest operation that takes place on Resolute Forest Products operating area.

The Makeup of Our Forests Resolute’s Northwestern Ontario forests lie mostly in the Boreal Forest Region (90%) with a small portion in the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Forest Region (10%).

Silviculture Operations Silviculture is a vital aspect of forestry.

Harvesting Operations At Resolute Forest Products Thunder Bay Woodlands, we have a commitment to using harvesting patterns that emulate natural disturbances, minimize the "footprint" left by machinery, and maximize our utilization of the forest resources.


Parks and Protected Areas In 1997 Premier M. Harris initiated the Lands for Life project with the goal of completing Ontario’s system of parks and protected areas.

Public Participation in the Planning Process The opinions and concerns of the public are taken very seriously by Resolute FP.

Forest Management Planning Process Forest management planning in Ontario is a very complex and highly regulated process.

Resolute Forest Products Canadian Forestry Policy Resolute Forest Products Canadian Forestry Policy emphasizes our commitment to the responsible management of both our business and the environment in which we operate.

Code of Forest Practices As a member of the Ontario Forest Industries Association (OFIA) all operations conducted by Resolute Forest Products Thunder Bay Woodlands must adhere to the OFIA's Guiding Principles and Code of Forest Practices.

Ontario Professional Foresters' Association Professional forestry encompasses a wide range of activities.

Operational and Planning Guidelines In addition to the Crown Forest Sustainability Act there are many site/operational specific rules and guidelines that regulate forestry operations in Ontario.

Crown Forest Sustainability Act The Crown Forest Sustainability Act (CFSA) is the main document regulating forestry activities on crown lands in Ontario.

Ontario Forest Policy Ontario Forest Policy


Solid Waste Reduction Research A number of by-products are generated as a result of the pulp and paper manufacturing process.

Parks and Protected Areas In 1997 Premier M. Harris initiated the Lands for Life project with the goal of completing Ontario’s system of parks and protected areas.

Research and Development Resolute Forest Products continues to support and participate in many research initiatives which address both timber and non-timber values.

Third Party Verification and Forest Certification At Resolute Forest Products, we have a strong commitment to independent, third party verification.


Public Participation in the Planning Process The opinions and concerns of the public are taken very seriously by Resolute Forest Products.

Resolute Forest Products Environmental Management System Resolute Forest Products has always strived to ensure our operations are conducted in an environmentally sound manner.

Resource Stewardship Agreements Resource Stewardship Agreements (RSA’s) are voluntary agreements between two parties: a Sustainable Forest License holder and a licensed resource-based tourist operator.

Protection of Non-Timber Values Resolute Forest Products recognizes the forest is a dynamic ecosystem that requires careful use, progressive research initiatives, and specialized knowledge.

Technology Used in the Planning Process Many tools are used in forest management to help our foresters make the best decisions possible.

Growth and Yield Growth and Yield is the study of individual trees and groups of tree species as they mature.