Process waste from making paper
Types of Solid Waste
Biomass Fact Sheet
#6 Power Boiler
# 3 Power Boiler
Operations Support Sustainability
The Makeup of Our Forests
Silviculture Operations
Harvesting Operations
Pulp & Paper

Silviculture Operations

Environment Land Overview Silviculture Operations - Environment Land Overview Silviculture OperationsSilviculture is a vital aspect of forestry. Without prompt regeneration, we not only compromise the environment, but also the future of our business.

For these reasons, a regeneration plan is written and approved by a silviculture forester before harvest activities occur. Each plan is unique and considers site specific soil and vegetation characteristics. Every hectare harvested is regenerated either naturally or artificially. Annually, Resolute Forest Products Ontario Woodlands plants approximately 15,500,000 trees and aerially seeded 8,500 hectares.

In addition to this, approximately 6,500 hectares are harvested using methods that encouraged natural regeneration. Natural regeneration harvest techniques leave behind a sufficient seed source, or sufficient advanced regeneration, to ensure the area will regenerate on its own.

All silviculture treatments, both natural and artificial, are carefully monitored to ensure that all areas are successfully regenerated.