Environmental Emergencies (E2) Regulations
The Resolute Thunder Bay Mill has met the requirements of the Federal Environmental Emergency (E2) Regulation since its came into effect in 2003.
According to the E2 Regulation, an environmental emergency can be defined as an "uncontrolled, unauthorized or accidental release of a regulated substance into the environment."
The Resolute Thunder Bay Mill is regulated under the E2 for three substances:
1. Chlorine dioxide
2. Aqueous Ammonia
3. Sodium Chlorate
In 2019, the E2 Regulation was updated. The main update included bringing additional awareness into the community and what programs, steps and protocols the site has put in place to prevent, prepare for, respond and recover from the unlikely event of an environmental emergency at the Thunder Bay Mill.
What should you do if an environmental emergency takes place?
The Resolute Thunder Bay Mill will work closely with the local emergency services to ensure the public is notified if an environmental emergency situation arises.
Notifications will be done using a variety of methods including local radio/TV, in-person or social media communications.
In the event that you are requested to shelter in place, please follow the directions of local emergency services and those on the information pamphlets.